Darshil Kapadia
darshilkapadia9@gmail.com | 6692104620

A DevOps Projects - Working with CI/CD Pipeline

Going to develop an Airbnb clone with focus on deploying it to the Amazon Cloud and using it’s services to implement the CI/CD pipeline with github commit as a trigger. Work carried under Cloud Technologies.

Developing my own database system

Starting to work on developing my own database system which can run in 2 modes and they are 1) Available-Partition Tolerant(AP) Mode and 2) Consistent-Partition Tolerant(CP) Mode. Going to use Java language and will be dockerizing it to simulate the environment of multiple nodes running the same java code.

Cisco organised Hackathon Competition - Day 2

We are working on providing solution to the most common client request i.e configuration help. As per the cisco’s study, more than 70% issues raised by the customers can easily be solved by configuring or reconfiguring the devices they have complaints about. Hence, we are providing a platform where the users have to register their devices and the application will configure the whole device when any user raises an issue on any registered device and thus automating the issue solving process without man-power.

Cisco organised Hackathon Competition

Very excited to work with current Cisco employees as a part of competing in the hackathon competition organised by Cisco.

Software Engineering Processes Project Work

Working on creating a simple stock portfolio suggestion engine using React.js and Python. Developed as a coursework carried under Software Engineering Processes.

Working on creating OpenHack - A hackathon management system.

I have started working on developing a hackathon management system using Spring Framework as a project to be carried out under the course Enterprise Application Development. We’ll be working to make use of various Spring modules like AOP, Data Access, IOC, MVC and many more.

Enterprise Application Development.

I am currently enrolled in Enterprise Application Development under Prof. Charles Zhang. I will be working on spring framework to develop enterprise wide application as a project for the course. I will be deciding on the application to be used as a prototype.

Software Testing and Quality Assurance.

Excited to be enrolled in Software Testing and Quality Assurance course under Prof. Zeyu Gao. I will be working on various Testing and QA technologies like BlueJ, JMeter among others.